Original Constitutionalist: Reconstructing Richard S. Kay’s Scholarship, Yaniv Roznai
Constituent Power and Constituent Authority, Mikolaj Barczentewicz
Of Omnipotent Things, Joel I. Colón-Ríos
Facts, Fictions and Other Artifices: “Constituent Authority” as the Work of Imagination, Zoran Oklopcic
The Boundaries of Constituent Authority, Yaniv Roznai
Ad Hoc Constitutional Reform in the UK, Alison L. Young
Constitutional Chronometry, Legal Continuity, Stability and the Rule of Law: A Canadian Perspective on Aspects of Richard Kay’s Scholarship, Warren J. Newman
R.T.E. Latham and Change in the Ultimate Rules of a Legal System, Peter Oliver
Institutional Change and the Continuity of Law, Peter L. Lindseth
Authority and Meaning, Laurence Claus
Connecting the Rule of Recognition and Intentionalist Interpretation: An Essay in Honor of Richard Kay, Larry Alexander
The Special Kay Defence of Non-Originalist Judges: A Serial with an Unhealthy Final Ingredient, James Allan
Legislative Intentions in Antonin Scalia’s and Bryan Garner’s Textualism, Jeffrey Goldsworthy
Original Expectations, Mark A. Graber
Two Constitutional Rights, Two Constitutional Controversies, Michael J. Perry
Brahmin Connections: A Note on the Vocation of the Law Professor, Carol Weisbrod
Book Review: The Glorious Revolution and the Continuity of Law, Anthony W. Bradley
The Paradox of Texts and Constitutional Authority: For Rick Kay, Wallace Stevens Professor, Aviam Soifer
Connecticut 1818: From Theocracy to Toleration, Mark Weston Janis
Rick Kay: And Now for the Rest of the Story, Richard D. Pomp
Response to the Contributors, Richard S. Kay